Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ao no Exorcist eps 22

wat da hek is this-________- I cant give some of ao-ex screenshots now, too angry to watch again, sorry.
ugh. I wanna kill that old yukio's grandpa. GROAAAR~

uh yap, CoffeeClover, signout.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Heloow again and new themes

WAAAW it has been a few day since the last time I came here hahah. Like I said, school start means busy days starts too LOL

Sooo, I just edit my laptop's theme. it looks like Mac now! but not snow leopord or leopord glass. It's tequilla version uyeey! These are the screenshots:

Desktop :D
Libraries :D
These are some links where I found them:
1. Snow Leopord Tequilla visual style, here
2. Windows 7 orb changer, here this is the way I could make my taskbar similar to mac ;D
3. Apple start up taskbar design, here 

just 3 ways to make ur windows similar to Mac! haha actually i'm a Mac Addict but have no one of them LOL

ouhhyeah just it for this post, I still have many assignments to done. CoffeeClover, signout!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tomorrow is the Starter of Many Next Busy Days

uurrgghhh tomorrow, my boring school days will be started. We already have 2 weeks holiday, but I think it's too short =3=
There will no moaar holiday or even a single day off except Sunday for the rest of this semester. I've checked the calendar, exactly

yah. I haven't done my all assignments. I'm too lazy to done it hhhhhhh~~

ugh ok, CoffeeClover, Sign Out!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

AO no Exorcist Eps 21 and 22


yukio. it's not exorcist uniform, huh

Rin in the cage :<
Eps 22 tittle

I dont have many words to say. Essentially, I'm very very disappointed with yukio-____-*tsahhh //plaked* off course from the first time, I prefer to rin than yukio hahaha
yahh, hope that yukio just act to his grandpa or whatever-______- the important thing is he still hold his principle that he has protect Rin eheheh even if rin can manage his flame now haha

huh im still unwilling with what yukio did =A= okay, CoffeeClover, signout!

How to Add Post Separator to your blog :D

this afternoon, when I was doing a blogwalking, I found a way to add custom separator between posts. Initially, i found it in shabbyblog's blog. But, the tutorial that I found there is a tutorial for old template format *maybe* because I when I tried the way, it couldnt be realized. I'm too curious to give up haha then i searched it in google. And taraaa~ I found this way!

1. Sign in to ur blog.
2. Open design > edit html
edit html :D
3. Add a check mark in expand widget templates if u dont check that, this tut wouldn't worked
expand widget templates :D
4. Find <!-- quickedit pencil --> in the htlm/css. if u've found that part, go down about 18 lines and u'll have <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> and <span class='post-location'> respectively in that line.
Find this!
5. Between <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> and <span class='post-location'>, you would better give a break (enter in keyboard). 
between this :D

give break :D
on that break, paste this code <center><img height='your separator's height' src='your separator url'/></center>.
edit them with ur separator's height and url :D
for the separator, the type is image. Better if u use .png, cz it will be transparent if the real background is transparent actually it's up 2 u heheh. 
for separator's height, it's the height of the picture. example, if the actual height of the pic is 100 px and the width is 1000 px, of course it will not fit with the post tab. u just need to change the pic's height in that code, and the width will fit it self. 
6. I usually choose 'preview' first, to see the result. If it has being what i want to, then i'll save it.

ah ya! I forgot something! for the separator's picture, u have to host it in imagewebhosting first. I usually use photobucket for the host. if u have uploaded the image there, then u can preview the pic and copy the url to the part that i've told before.
This is my separator :DD

ookay! that's all about post separator :DD hope it will helpful :DD u can ask me if there are some parts u dont undestand :DD

yakk, CoffeeClover, sign out! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Frustrated huh

tadaa~ I back to school on September 8th and none of my assignments have done. ugh. I'm too lazy to done it -__________________________- but i'm trying to done it, maybe i'll start it tomorrow LOL
yahh hope i can done it soon =w=

~CoffeeClover, signout!

Testing and a Pic

yayy I have a DSLR now! finally! XDD these are some photos I took :D

My Little Bro :D

Chocolate Cornflakes

ah ya, today I've done a pic too. it's for exhibition at Japanese day event at my school. here it is :)
Guess Who! ahaha